Welcome to my little corner of the world...the Honey Music Hive. Yes, my real name is Francine Honey so I can't help myself! After years of working long hours in a stressful government job as an IT Project manager, raising my 2 wonderful children on my own and many ups and downs with love, family and friends... I have seen and been through almost everything! I have quite the story to tell. Don't we all.
I asked myself for many years, why you would care about my story and I share my story with you because I want you to know that I've been there. Wherever you are right now in your life, you are not alone! I've been there.
My goal and dream in life is to help you through whatever you are going through this very second. You came here looking for something right? I always turn to music when I am searching too. I am here with a story and a song to help you right now in this moment. Thank you for being here. You are not alone. I'm here in the form of my music. Right now, right here, for free. Let me help you, let me inspire you right now!
I share -MY- story in song with you and I want to hear -YOURS-. While this is a web page you are reading right now and I may not "bee" physically sitting across the table to you, I hope you will share your experiences with me too and we can heal together. Let's help one another. Know that I will personally receive your email and personally respond to you. My music is about real life and it is also "real" as in, recorded with real musicians live off the floor in the studio together. Yup, no AI, real music about real life (mine!)
I'm so happy to meet you and I look forward to your note. xx...francine