One Small Act Is All It Takes: The Power Of One

Big World Small Town

I played at the Wheatley Legion today as part of their 100th year anniversary for the annual fish fry weekend.  It so reminded me of being home in Tweed, a place filled with friendly people who are contributing to their community.  I thought of the many other events in other smaller communities I have attended over my many years.  It is amazing when you are able to see a common thread of those in our communities working hard for the things they believe in.  The Sun Parlours Pipe and Drum band were there and I recalled being in Scotland last year as they played some of the same tunes and with a grandmaster who was so proud of his crew.  I was struck at how I was in a town that is new to me and yet here I was having a similar experience to that of other places.  It made me feel like I was in such a big world but also a small one all at the same time.

We all have something we can contribute

Some people feel powerless and as though their lives have no meaning because they live in a small town and feel that they don’t really make a difference in the grand scheme of things, but I disagree. If we all think that way and stop making an effort we would all be in a sorry state. We all have something we can contribute despite how small we think it might be.  We all have our unique talents, whether it be quilting, making cupcakes that are beautifully decorated, making business plans, leading the band, playing a drum or selling t-shirts, it is the sum of all that make things move forward.  Give yourself a pat on the back for trying and getting out there even if it is to attend a ceremony or a parade.  The combination of individual human souls creates something special.  Thanks for asking me to take part. I listened to others and was listened to.  That is what our human experience is all about.


Feature Image: Windsor Star 2014

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